21 Things I Learned in 21 Years

Ahhh…21. The milestone birthday everyone anticipates so much. Never in a million years would I have thought I would be celebrating it during a pandemic, but here we are! 

As I looked through my blog post drafts, I saw one titled “20 Things I Learned in 20 Years.” I remember pondering the post, but little did I know I had 18/20 things already listed. That post never made it out of the drafts, but I think that was on purpose. God knew there was so much in store for year 20 that a post before it would be meaningless. 20 was full of more learning, growing. and comfort zone-breaking than any other year. Reading my drafted post made me realize how important this past year was. 19-year-old Sydney and 20-year-old Sydney are two completely different people. 

So, let’s try this again. Here are 21 things I have learned in the 21 years I have spent on this earth: 

  1. Experiences > Materialism. I will never regret investing money in experiences, but I know there have been things I have bought that I wish I would have waited to buy afterward. Whether it be a date night, concert, or a plane ticket, spending your money on experiences optimizes the return on investment. 

  2. Hold on to those you love and value the time spent with them. You never know when your last “see you later” could be. Say “I love you” more often - even if it feels like you are saying it too much. 

  3. Travel as far as you can. Getting outside of your comfort zone happens when you are away from where you are comfortable. I have learned more lessons about life and myself through travel than I ever will reading self-help books or in a classroom. 

  4. Never rely on others to validate your worth or capabilities. Your true worth is never measured in the amount of attention you receive from others. 

  5. If you want something, go get it. Stop waiting. Stop making excuses for yourself. 

  6. Hustle culture is going to kill us all. Slow down a little bit and think about where you are and where you want to be. It is not about who can get there the fastest but who can make the most of the process. 

  7. Driving is the ONLY thing you should be doing when you are behind the wheel. Seriously. No texting, snapping, anything. A reply is not worth someone else’s life. 

  8. Romanticize your own life. No one’s life is picture-perfect. Start thinking every day is the best day of your life, and it will be. 

  9. Take chances on scary opportunities. You never know how close you are to an open door. 

  10. If you like something about someone, tell them. Don’t leave anything unsaid or underestimate the power of your own words.

  11. Focusing on yourself is never selfish. Doing what you need to do at the moment is never selfish. Being your own best friend at times is never selfish. 

  12. Do more of what you love - even if it puts a burden on you financially. And when you do it, slow down and take it in. 

  13. Temporary decisions are OKAY. There is almost always a chance to re-evaluate and change your mind. 

  14. Taking the “road less traveled” is the most rewarding sense of freedom in this world. No expectations - only pure bliss and discovery. 

  15. Setting goals does not work for everyone. Instead, I try to focus on WHO I want to become - not just benchmarks that scream unsuccess until I get there (this is still a work in progress for me). 

  16. Surround yourself with people who make you feel like yourself. And do it often. No one (not even introverts) can forge this world alone. 

  17. Take more pictures (and videos) when you feel alive. Looking back at those moments will make you relive true happiness. 

  18.  Never get too comfortable. Situations can change overnight and your whole life could be turned upside down. Embrace the unknown.

  19. Talk to strangers. You can learn so much from others who aren’t in your circle. Learn their stories. Being cultured is one of the most attractive traits someone can have.

  20. Never let others tell you how you should feel about or deal with certain situations. Everyone has a different response to stress, trauma, anxiety, etc. 

  21. Jesus Christ is the only fulfillment we will ever need. Everything good comes from Him. Nothing else matters when it comes down to it. This world is temporary, but life is eternal through Him and Him only.