The Reality of a Long Distance Relationship

Besides the fact that this type of relationship is rendered "unreal" by others, there are both positive and negative factors that play into long distance relationships. Anyone who doesn't have their significant other right next to them can attest that the realities become more "real" on somedays than others. Being able to share in the struggle is why the LDR community is so supportive. This list isn't just for those in the same situation. It is to serve as a look into the lives of so many who don't have the luxury of being with the person they love every single day.

  • 4,039.53 miles between us.

  • An entire OCEAN separates us

  • "How can you love someone you have never met?"

  • Round trip total = $1257.36

  • Poor connection - video will resume when connection improves

  • Unsupportive relatives and friends

  • Perfume bottles mock your presence

  • Falling asleep on FaceTime because the only time we can talk is in the middle of your night

  • All of the "somedays"

  • Watching happy, "normal" couples take for granted just simply being together 

  • Unmatched holiday breaks making visits impossible

  • Being dateless to dances, events, etc.

With all of these harsh realities, there comes a time when you realize how lucky you are. There are many things in this relationship that we can be grateful for. 

  • Becoming more independent when we aren't together

  • Developing a deeper relationship when you are apart

  • Having something to look forward to 

  • Counting down the days until the next visit

  • The butterflies you have in your stomach as you wait for the plane to arrive

  • The overwhelming feeling you get when you see their face for the first time not on a screen

  • Proving everyone who doubted your relationship wrong

  • Keeping your friendships because you aren't spending all of your time with each other

  • Learning about a different culture

  • Traveling is the heart of your relationship

  • Meeting new people 

  • Being exposed to a different lifestyle

  • Having someone who makes saying goodbye so hard

  • Knowing that this distance is only temporary

It is easy to get caught up in the hardships, but when you take a step back, you can see that you have so much to be happy about. It is all perspective, my friends. No, these circumstances aren't ideal, and if you're like me, you didn't imagine or wish for a relationship like this, but I wouldn't have it any other way. As long as I get to be with my Charlie, I am satisfied.

If you haven't already done so, head on over to our Instagram @ourldrjourney to see what we've been up to!