A Letter to my Best Friend as We Graduate

Here we are. The time we never thought would come. I have drafted this letter several times, but never wanted to face the reality of it. With graduation quickly approaching, I think it is time. 

Very shortly, we are going to walk across the stage and say goodbye to everything we have ever known, including the reassurance that we are only an 8 minute drive away from each other. As I reflect on what these past 13 years have given me, there is one thing that I am extremely grateful for - you. 

11 years of friendship has been a long time. They say that once you get so close to someone, it is natural to have fights or arguments or a fall out. We have never been the type of friends to argue over petty things or get into silly fights. There have been times we have disagreed, but nothing too serious. When thinking about this, I can't help but think of the pointless arguments we used to have at the babysitter's house. Within the walls of where our friendship formed, we would write frustrating notes and avoid each other for the rest of the day. The next day, though, we were back to normal. Through our friendship, I have learned what a true friend is. It is not someone who you necessarily see every single day or someone who shares every hobby that you do. It is someone who makes you feel like you belong. I am so glad I found that in you.

I am thankful for all of the memories our school days have given us. From trips across the world to nights creating cupcakes to fulfill our once held dreams of opening a bakery together, they are all memories I will carry with me forever. Not many friends can say that they made it a goal to travel to Paris together and made it happen at the age of 14. That is what makes our relationship so special. We are able to set goals and achieve them simply because we have each other. Your friendship has pushed me to become more imaginative and adventurous, seeking out new ways to do things and new perspectives on life. 

The memories we made as young girls were some of my favorite. I remember opening a Barbie hair salon in your basement when we were in third grade - an age that most would think that was childish. I always knew I could count on you to never judge me for still wanting to play sometimes. I always loved creating restaurants and Webkinz hotels together. We would get so competitive that it got to the point of spending real money to improve our imaginary lives. Our parents always appreciated the phases we got into, including the couponing phase, the time where we were neat freaks, and especially our flower hair clip business. Let's not forget about the very cringey YouTube channel we made in hopes to become famous. Or the time we made the 80s workout video to "Let's Get Physical" that you are still, to this day, embarassed about and won't tell me where you hid it. To this day, you still make fun of me for when I cried after you put the sticky tiles on the tree to make our "clubhouse" in the our babysitter's back yard. I still feel very guilty for convincing you that you could do that backflip when you almost broke your neck. I will never forget about the time we had a speed walking competition, and you tripped over a stick and still have the scar to prove it. Whatever it was, it was new, challenging, sometimes dumb, and always with you. I don't know what I am going to do without you with me to make up new ideas and do silly things. 

The thought of going our separate ways literally makes my heart ache. Through all of these years, you have always been here. You were there when I gave up my life to Christ. You were there when I met my boyfriend for the first time. You were there for every single dance recital with flowers in your hand to make sure that my grandma's gift for me remained, even when she could no longer give it to me. You were there the day my baby brother was born. You were there when I felt like no one else was, and even if I didn't show it, I really needed you. You never let me feel like I was alone. Even when I would act like the worst best friend in the entire world or put you second, you were still there. Throughout all of my different friendship phases, you were the only one who remained the same. I never had to question the status of our friendship or go through an awkward reunion stage. I know that you will be just a text or call away, but the fact that I won't be able to just pick you up to go out to eat or to drive around makes me extremely sad.

I want to thank you for all that you are and all that you have been to me. When we met in first grade, I never would've imagined we would be this close 11 years later. Thank you for never leaving my side and for always being willing to try new things. You have taught me how to be a friend. You have brought me closer to the Lord. You have made me into a more compassionate person, and you have shown me what a true friend looks like. I am so thankful. 

Graduating with your best friend is something you see in the movies. It seems so fun, so rewarding, and so sentimental. While I am sure I will feel all of these same emotions, I am already overwhelmed at the thought of not being together. Although we have one last summer at home, not going to school with you will take some getting used to. After all of our pinterest boards and college visits, I never would've imagined that we would be going to school 6 hours away from each other. I know we will make new friends and quickly find other people to do the things we love with, but I hope we will never lose each other. I hope every break we are able to pick right back up where we left off. I hope that despite all of our new friendships, ours will still remain at the top of our lists. Above all, I hope that these past 11 years have meant as much to you as they have to me. Never forget that...

I'll love you forever.

I'll like you for always.

As long as I'm living, my Grayce Grayce you'll be.